
German Institute for Dentistry

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The German Institute for Dentistry (GID) is offer accredited programs, certified courses, and hands-on training to continuously enhance the expertise for dental professionals to prepare them for the specialist dental exam and their careers in practices and hospitals.

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Current Courses

Advanced Facial Aesthetic Mastership

Time: 09:00 -17:00

No. of Days: 4

Place: United Arab Emirates (UAE)

CE-Points: 24

Fees: 3500 EUR(Excluding 19% tax) I.Kassem

CBCT Study Meeting and Implantology Case Discussion

Time: 11:00 -16:00

No. of Days: 1

Place: Frankfurt - Germany

CE-Points: 3

Fees: Complimentary

Dr.Hassan Al Darwish

The Masticatory System Doctor TMD & Occlusion in Dental Practice

Time: 09:00 - 18:00

No. of Days: 2

Place: Frankfurt - Germany

CE-Points: 16 CE According to rules of BZÄK / KZBV

Fees: 1200 EUR (Excluding 19% tax)

Prof. Dr. Ziad AL Ani

Botox & Filler In Facial Medicine – Theory+Workshop

Time: 09:00 -18:00

No. of Days: 2

Place: Frankfurt- Germany

CE-Points: 12

Fees: 1200 EUR(Excluding 19% tax) I.Kassem

Pilot Guided Dental Implant Level 1 – Theory + Workshop

Time: 10:00 - 18:00

No. of Days: 1

Place: Germany, Freiburg

CE-Points: 5 CE According to rules of BZÄK / KZBV

Fees: 410 EUR (Excluding 19% tax)

Dr. Hassan Al Darwish Narcis Sebastian Popita

Aesthetic Composite Workshop

Time: 09:00 - 18:00

Place: Freiburg - Germany

CE-Points: 5

Fees: 200 EUR

Dr. Salam Harfoush

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