CBCT Study Meeting and Implantology Case Discussion

German Institute for Dentistry

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CBCT Study Meeting and Implantology Case Discussion

Time: 11:00 -16:00

No. of Days: 1

Place: Frankfurt - Germany

CE-Points: 3

Fees: Complimentary

Dr.Hassan Al Darwish


Course Description:

Imaging is an important diagnostic tool in the clinical assessment of dental patients.All branches of dentistry, including orthodontics, endodontics, oral surgery/pathology, periodontics, and implant treatment planning, are making extensive use of CBCT technology.

This specialized imaging method called cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) creates high-resolution 3D images of the mouth and its surroundings. With the help of this technology, dental practices may be able to better plan and carry out technically challenging treatments, diagnose and treat complicated dental problems, and provide better patient results.

The learning and teaching resources in this course are designed to enable Dentists to advance their understanding of Cone Beam Computed Tomography on the basis of their personal development needs.

Learning objectives

  • Indicate the advantages of CBCT technology over alternative intraoral or extraoral dental imaging techniques.
  • Give examples of dental situations in which a CBCT scan might be a good imaging option.
  • To reduce the patient’s exposure to radiation, go over the CBCT scan acquisition alternatives.
  • List the stages involved in critically analysing and interpreting a CBCT scan.
  • Talk about the medical, ethical, and legal implications of CBCT. At the end of this course, what participants will be able to perform.

At the end of this course ,What participants will be able to perform

  • be familiar with CBCT principles.
  • be aware of the CBCT imaging indications and referral standards.
  • be aware of the radiological basis for CBCT views.
  • be aware of the more prevalent image artifacts.
  • By fulfilling these goals, they may offer their patients a higher calibre of care.


  • Introduction
  • The Cone beam techniques (CBCT) : Basic Principle

Workshop 1 : Clinical case reading and reporting

  • Interactive Discussion of clinical cases in
  • Surgery
  • Endodontics
  • Orthodontics
  • Pedodontics

Workshop 2 : Clinical case reading and reporting

  • CBCT and Implantology

Workshop 3 : Implant study

  • Questions and Answers
  • Digital workflow in implantology – The surgical guides
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